PNO in European project to secure EU’s critical raw material supply

On 10 and 11 October, the 2nd GREENPEG Exploitation Seminar took place in Leipzig (Germany), with the participation of the project partners Ciaotech/PNO Consultants GmbH. Senior consultants Luigi (Ciaotech) and Robert (PNO) supported all the exploitation activities and gave an outlook on the next steps to develop a solid techno-economic analysis and business plan.

PNO successfully accompanies multinational pegmatite exploration project 'GREENPEG' to secure Europe's critical raw material supply.

About the project

The GREENPEG Horizon 2020 project (or here) started in May 2020 and has developed an exploration toolset to discover hidden pegmatites more easily while reducing costs. Pegmatites are specific types of magnetic rocks that are typically enriched in critical raw materials such as lithium and rare earth elements needed for the clean energy transition (e.g. battery storage).

The GREENPEG toolset provides an integrated, multi-method/resource package for pegmatite exploration that can be tailored to specific geological settings and challenges of an exploration area, as well as to the specific needs of the client in terms of goals, experience and budget.

The GREENPEG consortium consist of partners from academia, research institutes, small and medium sized – enterprises as well as non-profit organisations.


During the meeting Luigi and Robert supported all actions related to the exploitation management of the GREENPEG results.

Firstly, the analysis of the feedback from a questionnaire was presented, in which the project partners addressed their business aspects and future development plans.

Secondly, it was explained how the European Commission defines „key exploitable results“ (KERs), how the business plan is structured and how these KERs are integrated into the BP.

Together with the partners of the GREENPEG consortium, roundtable discussions were held to address key issues that will be very helpful in the development of the techno-economic assessment (TEA) and the business plan.


The findings from the 2-day seminar in Leipzig brought up a commercialisation strategy and the dissemination roadmap to market the results and expertise gained through the GREENPEG project.

The meeting marks a milestone in the successful transition to the exploitation phase.

Besides that, it was discussed how the GREENPEG toolset can contribute to European efforts – reflected in the EU’s Critical Raw Material Act – to stimulate and enhance the exploitation of critical raw materials in European countries.

Next steps

In 2024, the priority will be on promoting results though commercial exploitation and marketing to advert specific exploration tools and to promote distinct (Key) Exploitable Results.

Very positive initial feedback from the market has already been obtained on the Fennoscandian Exploration & Mining trade fair (FEM, 31.10. – 02.11.).

The next dissemination events where GREENPEG partners will present the project will be the EU Raw Materials Week 2023 (13 Nov 2023), the Roundup (22-25 Jan 2024) and the PDAC (3-6 Mar 2024).

Seeking professional support

Would you like to know more about how your new products and services can be directed and assessed by the foundation of a comprehensive Business Plan development during your project? Please fill out the contact form or contact our colleagues from the two German offices of PNO Consulting GmbH directly.

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“A solid Business Plan is your roadmap and foundation of your business. Especially if you are a start-up, or if your company and consortium is developing innovations for new products and services. PNO will help you to compile the necessary information.“