EU launches new calls for data, computing, and AI technologies

The EU has launched a new set of calls from the Horizon Europe Digital, Industry, and Space work programme for the period 2023-2024. The new calls, with a budget of over 290 million euros, fund European research into data, computing and AI technologies. The deadlines are on 19 March 2024.

Horizon Europe Digital, Industry and Space

Through Horizon Europe Cluster 4 Digital, Industry, and Space Europe is shaping competitive and reliable technologies for a European industry with world leadership in key areas. Actions in this cluster support key technologies of strategic importance for Europe’s industrial future. These include:

  • world-leading data and computing technologies
  • digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and suitable for the Green Deal.

Data and computing technologies

The European Union has recently announced a substantial allocation of 85 million euros to promote research in data and computing technologies. Her goal is fostering innovation in artificial intelligence (AI). Part of this funding will be dedicated to advancing AI-driven data operations to create AI systems and services that are free from bias. Additionally, there will be investments in large-scale pilot projects supporting industrial Internet of Things (IoT) platforms and next-generation edge computing technologies for various key applications and industries.

European Green Deal

The EU will direct a separate sum of 206 million euros towards research projects aimed at enhancing Europe’s digital and technological competitiveness while aligning with the objectives of the European Green Deal.

Green Deal

Out of this amount, the EU will channel 60 million euros into research related to AI and data solutions, with a focus on supporting the goals of the European Green Deal. For instance, research projects will explore the use of robotics data and AI solutions to optimize energy and resource management in production value chains.

AI, data, and robotics

Furthermore, the EU will invest 76 million euros in research areas encompassing AI, data, and robotics. These projects will enable robots to perform non-repetitive tasks in everyday settings and promote wider integration of robots in various industries and society. Other research initiatives will leverage AI and data to expedite software development, enhance security, and ensure compatibility across different devices. Funding will also be available for projects exploring photonics technologies to enhance communication networks, along with the establishment of a “photonics innovation factory” to accelerate the adoption of photonics technologies in European industries.

Cloud-to-edge servers

The remaining 70 million euros will support various projects, including the development of cloud-to-edge servers to facilitate the creation of a comprehensive European open cloud and edge computing architecture. There will also be a project dedicated to integrating two-dimensional (2D) materials into semiconductor technologies, as well as advancing progress in quantum sensing technologies to prepare them for the market. Additionally, this funding will lead to the establishment of annual European awards recognizing contributions to open-source software and hardware.

Applying for Horizon Europe?

Do you have innovation plans or ideas for a Horizon Europe proposal for data, computing, or AI technologies? The deadlines are on 19 March 2024. PNO’s ICT experts will be happy to help you develop them, find consortium partners, and submit an optimal application. You will also find valuable information in the Horizon Europe magazine. Call 0031 88 838 13 81 or send a message.